Thursday, September 27, 2012

DIY Meat Head

Since Halloween is coming, I want to share this insanely awesome to the max DIY meat head.  It's perfect because it's edible, it's disgusting looking, and it probably attracts flies.  I am literally making one for myself as I type this, because I love it so much. You can make your own if you can handle all the awesomeness radiating from the meat when you're done.  It might be too hot to handle.  You're going to need a human skull, pickled onions, Jell-O, olives, toothpicks, and plastic wrap.  If you're having trouble finding a human skull, then you're a pussy, but you can use a plastic skull, if you must...I recommend The Skeleton Store in Skokie, IL for all of your human skeletal needs.  Check out step-by-step Meat Head instructions at Make Projects.

Boo Straws

 Halloween is absolutely my favorite holiday.  I get to be as creepy as I want to be and it's appropriate to decorate my house with dead things and blood.  Does that sound weird?  Regardless, I'm thinking Halloween, and I'm thinking party.  And of course no party is complete without fancy straws, right?  Well, I came across these scaaary straws at NeatoShop, and I pretty much have to have them.

Handstand Phone Stand

I have to say, Fred & Friends has some really awesome stuff.  Case and point, the new handstand phone stand.  With two little suction cups, this little pixelated pointer with stick to almost any smooth surface, keeping your phone upright and strangers thinking that you're pretty awesome.  You can get one all for your very own over at NeatoShop.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Je Voudrais Manger Quelque Chose

So, I don't need this tee-shirt that's being featured on uncovet this week, but "je voudrais manger quelque chose" means "I would like to eat something" in English, and I kinda want it because shirts that say things in other languages, especially French, are super cool.  Plus, pretty much all the time, I want to eat something, so I feel this phrase pretty accurately describes my general wants at any given time.  As if that's not enough, I also majored in French once upon a time, so I can understand at least one word on this tee.  You can get it on Uncovet or, if the sale or featuring situation is over, check it out on Urban Cricket.