Thursday, September 27, 2012

DIY Meat Head

Since Halloween is coming, I want to share this insanely awesome to the max DIY meat head.  It's perfect because it's edible, it's disgusting looking, and it probably attracts flies.  I am literally making one for myself as I type this, because I love it so much. You can make your own if you can handle all the awesomeness radiating from the meat when you're done.  It might be too hot to handle.  You're going to need a human skull, pickled onions, Jell-O, olives, toothpicks, and plastic wrap.  If you're having trouble finding a human skull, then you're a pussy, but you can use a plastic skull, if you must...I recommend The Skeleton Store in Skokie, IL for all of your human skeletal needs.  Check out step-by-step Meat Head instructions at Make Projects.

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