Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Sarah Palin Candle Project

So, again from Fab (love that website!), I have found some share-able awesomeness, which is semi-relevant because it's an election year.  Election years are extra fun for me, because living in a swing state is awesome. It's pretty much the only time when Ohio gets so much attention.  But, what I loved on Fab is this amazing Sarah Palin candle.  From my perspective, I kinda just want to watch her melt away while I cackle, but maybe someone else might burn this in her honor because she's such a well-informed and visionary political figure. Who knows?  To each his own.  Regardless of why you would want to burn this candle, I think it would be a great, if temporary, conversation piece.  From the Sarah Palin Candle Project website: 

"Give the Republican in your family a piece of art to proudly 
display on the bookshelf in their corner office at the fortune 500 company, or give the
 Democrat in your family a hilarious gag to be used as an
 icebreaker at the next anti-fracking-vegan-book-club meeting. "  

The inspirational candle stands 10 inches tall, and the mold was hand-sculpted by two artists from Brooklyn. US shipping is included in the $55 price. 

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