Tuesday, October 9, 2012

nPower PEG: Personal Kinetic Energy Charger

Have you ever been on a hike and had your cell phone or iPod run out of batteries? What if you could take all the kinetic energy you produced exercising and use it to sustainably charge your device?  Well, that's exactly what the nPower Peg does.

I recently discovered this device, but it is close to my heart for a couple of reasons. First, because the innovative company that developed the device is based right here in Cleveland, Ohio!  And second, I love sustainability!  Tremont Electric has been working hard for years to perfect, market, and distribute this device, and now the time has finally arrived!  The company, founded by Aaron LeMieux, strives to provide alternative energy solutions to customers.  And now you can purchase the nPower Peg, personal kinetic energy charger.

You can purchase the product at REI for $199, and you can learn more about it here

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited about the nPower PEG too! The price has dropped a lot - npowerpeg.com sells them for $129 now and you can get free shipping by using this code "IN5SCKZS". Yay!
